Sunday, 5 April 2015

March favourites : 2015

Spring has officially sprung which means one thing, we're out of March and in with April.  What's been tickling your tastebuds this past month?  Here's some of my (guilty) pleasures from brushes, makeup to a fragrance mist ...

Bourjois 123 Perfect CC Cream, Beauty Blender, Body Shop, Revlon Lip Butter, Zoeva Rose Gold, Sephora Khaki Eyeshadow palette

+Revlon UK Lip Butter in 096 Macaroon has been a staple for my lips throughout the days and the weekend this month.  For me it is the the perfect muted plum giving me that 'lips but better' finish, it's just a beaut.  Creamy, smooth and long lasting, let's not lie now, what isn't there to love?  PS.  There's a 3 for 2 at +Boots UK on selected makeup at the moment...

Whilst the +beautyblender has been a firm favourite of mine for under eye concealer for a fair while only since new year have I been applying it with the sponge.  This month, every base on my face has been on this tool and the finish is just out of this world, smooth, flawless and smooth.  The list is endless, dare I say it, it's all about that bass and with the beauty blender, that bass be bangin'.  Check out this Red Carpet limited edition exclusive to +Sephora here or because it might be local, visit your nearest +Space NK apothecary here.

Zoeva 227 Luxe Soft Definer brush has taken place of my Mac 217.  Whilst I do have multiple 217's Zoeva just pips them to the post with softer bristles and the ability to blend out your shadow in a fraction of the time?  If it's a time saver that automatically screams a winner to me ...  Let's not forget the beautifulness of the complete brush itself, rose gold and a peachy handle, swoon alert.

+BourjoisUK . 123 Perfect CC Cream has been something my skin loves, not only because it is light but it gives a darn good bit of coverage for a CC cream, basically a bit more than a tinted moisturiser.  It lasts, applies sensationally and well, just gets a big tick from me.

Japanese Cherry Blossom Fragrance Mist form +The Body Shop UK is the most beautiful scent for just spritzing around your room to bring it back to life.  Adding that light floral airy waft, prepare to feel as though you're in a tropical paradise.

We're in Spring and it's time to begin adding that colour to our makeup so I've started with the Mild to Wild Khaki +Sephora eyeshadow palette.  As the name suggests it's a selection of greens ranging from pale to bold and they're all freakin' amazing!!  Given to me as part of a Birthday prezzie back in January I'm now getting the most of this by adding it under my lower lash line pretty much every day, just adding that burst of colour.

Bourjois 123 Perfect CC Cream, Beauty Blender, Body Shop, Revlon Lip Butter, Zoeva Rose Gold, Sephora Khaki Eyeshadow palette

Until next month .... 


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