Friday, 11 April 2014

Things get Scandalous with Rimmel ...

Have +rimmellondon really answered all our prayers and provided us with the ultimate eyeliner?  Whilst Boots had their 3 for 2 offer on I took advantage and sneaked the nude shade of Scandaleyes from Rimmel in my basket.  At £3.99 this is what deserves the title 'barryargain'.

The reason behind these purchases, to help get bigger and brighter eyes, the cheats way, sshh don't go callin' the eye po-lice!  If I'm honest, the truth is simple, when I do wear eyeliner it is either always Scandaleyes or Rock n Kohl from Charlotte Tilbury, there are no new introductions here.

In the past I have sworn by the black Scandaleyes, which is beyond sensational.  Slight exaggeration?  No!  Even with black, the darkest colour possible to line your eyes with the staying power is absolutely incredible.  There are no signs of any smudges at the end of the day, even though it is all still in place, exactly where you placed it at the beginning of the day.  Gym test?  Passed with flying colours A+.

By drawing this on to your top and bottom waterline your eyes shall instantly look more alive than ever!  Not only bigger, but more alive and alert, say goodbye to those tired piggy eyes, no matter how much sleep you've had.  

Charlotte Tilbury has also recently released her new eyeliners with one of the shades called 'Eye Cheat, (£19), however, for a more affordable purchase I would highly recommend this dupe from Rimmel.   

Nude eyeliners are always a fantastic option to open up your eyes as your eye whites aren't actually pure white, bummer I know, so a nude is more suitable alternative to white.  

If you take a look at the nib on both the pencils you shall notice that they can be easily maintained in to the perfect point.  This makes it incredibly easy to get to the waterline lines with no fuss or frustration, basically you won't be poking yourself in the eye!

The main question of the post, would you repurchase?  Most definitely.  An eyeliner which can make you look bright eyed and busy tailed or even make your eyes look bigger than they are, trickery, this is an absolute winner!  


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