Thursday, 27 February 2014

Charlotte Tilbury : Colour Chameleon your eyes \ Reviewed

These have to be one of my favourite products from the Charlotte Tilbury makeup line, Colour Chameleon, eyeshadow pencils.

Designed to make the application of eyeshadow simplistic by having a day and a night for each eye colour, did this meet or exceed my expectations?
The answer is yes however I did find one tiny issue, so small it is easily overcome.  But for the moment let's get down to business, the colours, the pigmentation, the magic!

All of these Chameleon pencils have exceptional pigmentation, in all of these swatches I have swatched these twice.  There aren't many eyeshadow pencils out there where you get this strong colour so easily, and that actually stays.

For my deep brown eyes I picked up Dark Pearl (day eyeshadow) and Amber Haze (night eyeshadow).

Dark Pearl is a beautiful taupe shade with a purple undertone and a hint of shimmer, perfect for a simple daytime eyeshadow.  It enhances the colour of your iris instantly making those brown eyes pop.

Amber Haze is a rich golden, bronzed, honey colour which has a bit more shimmer than the daytime pencil.  It is absolutely perfect for any evening look, your eyes will be well and truly bedazzled.  

The application of these is incredibly simple, yet I found one teeny tiny problem in blending them.  A top tip is to apply your chosen primer underneath the colour and once applied to your lids work quickly, very quickly.  All you need to do is swipe this pencil across your eyelids, smudge with your fingers, then grab your fluffy brush and blend to your hearts content.  This will eliminate any harsh lines providing you that perfectly smooth edge.

This is also great used as an eyeliner, draw a squiggle on your hand, grab your angled brush of choice, dip it in to your collection of eyeliner on the back of your hand and get drawing!

These have the most exceptional staying power, exceeding any expectations that you would ever imagine for an eyeshadow pencil.  With the added primer underneath, be prepared to see your eyes dazzling like crazy at the end of any event.  This event could be a day at work, followed by a hardcore session at the gym or a night out, it will still be securely in place!

In the collection there are 8 shade, paired up as duo's for brown, blue, green and hazel eyes, all of which are all truly beautiful.

If you want to try out some of these eyeshadows and leave your eyes looked bedazzled with incredible colours then head on over to the Charlotte Tilbury website.  


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